Aaron Schimberg’s fantastical dark comedy A Different Man is one of 2024’s richest, strangest movies — a film about a man who radically changes his appearance and his life, but is haunted by the success of someone who looks just like he used to. It’s a perfect viewing companion for The Substance, another woozy, disturbing 2024 movie about...
Arcane’s secret sauce has always been its soundtrack. There’s no better example of this than one of the early scenes of season 2’s first episode, as Caitlyn mourns the death of her mother. Rather than forcing grief-stricken dialogue to communicate how she’s feeling, the show cuts to a completely unique animation style, with stylized black...
Walmart has several waves of Black Friday deals coming up, the first of which begins on Nov. 11, followed by two others happening Nov. 25 and Dec. 1. You can get three hours of early access to each of those deal waves through its website and through the Walmart app — but only by being a Walmart Plus member. This will let you casually browse...
At the risk of being entirely unrelatable: You know that music they play at the spa? That synthy, spaced-out soundscape type of stuff that isn’t exactly music, but isn’t exactly not music? The sort of playlist you can find if you take a wrong turn from your favorite lo-fi playlist? Chord after relaxing chord, interspersed with birdsong, rain...
Final Fantasy 14’s first post-Dawntrail patch is on the horizon, with maintenance going down for the game for about seven hours before patch 7.1 properly launches. Below, we explain when FFXIV Dawntrail maintenance ends and some of the things you can look forward to when the patch launches. What time does FFXIV maintenance end and...
Pokémon Go is having a Mankey Community Day event on Sunday, Nov. 10, from 2-5 p.m. in your local time. As expected with a Community Day event, Mankey will spawn in huge numbers with a high chance for it to appear shiny. There are also several other bonuses and perks, which we’ve list out below. How do I catch a shiny Mankey in...
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