The Science Beneath the Art of Public Relations
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Are Human or Virtual Influencers More Effective When Advertising Products?

This summary is provided by the Digital Media Research Center. Dr. Fanjue Liu and Dr. Yu-hao Lee examined the rising trend of virtual influencers (digitally created characters with human-like attributes) and and studied how effective they were in influencing brand attitudes and purchase intentions compared to human influencers. An experiment was conducted...

Wed Sep 11, 2024 19:03
How Can Developing Information-Sharing Networks Engage Employees in the Workplace?

This summary is provided by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center based on the original study. Dr. Katie Haejung Kim, Dr. Yan Qu, and Dr. Adam Saffer examined how information-sharing networks may impact employees’ voicing behavior (i.e., when an employee chooses to share opinions, concerns, or ideas with leaders on work-related or organizational...

Wed Sep 11, 2024 18:34
How Can Environmental Sustainability Promote Employee Pro-Environmental Behaviors?

This summary is provided by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center. Dr. Yeunjae Lee, Dr. Enzhu Dong, and Dr. Ruoyu Sun examined internal communication about environmental issues and the impact it has on pro-environment behaviors among employees. That is, when the organization creates internal messaging regarding the environment, how does...

Wed Sep 4, 2024 19:06
Should Experts or the General Public Debunk Misinformation on TikTok?

This summary is provided by the IPR Behavioral Insights Research Center. Dr. Mengyu Li, Dr. Gaofei Li, and Dr. Sijia Yang examined how expert posts and posts by the general public on social media can help reduce the spread of COVID-19 misinformation. An online experiment of 873 people was conducted in August 2022. Participants viewed misleading … Continue...

Wed Sep 4, 2024 19:06
How Can Corporate Social Advocacy (CSA) Be Implemented Effectively in the Workplace ?

This summary is provided by the IPR Organizational Communication Research Center. Dr. Yeonsoo Kim and Dr. Shana Meganck examined how corporate social advocacy (CSA) can be effectively implemented through the following: transformational leadership (e.g., encouraging innovation, motivating employees, and engaging in supportive and mentoring roles) and...

Wed Sep 4, 2024 19:06
Slot Gacor Terpercaya dan Resmi – Maxwin Slot Thailand

Dalam perjalanan kita di dunia slot online, banyak yang penasaran seputar bagaimana cara menemukan situs slot yang tepat, apalagi ketika berbicara tentang slot gacor. Bayangkan, di tengah kesibukan dan rutinitas yang menjemukan, kita butuh sedikit kegembiraan dan harapan, kan? Nah, di sinilah konsep “slot gacor” muncul. Tidak hanya sekadar permainan,...

Mon Sep 2, 2024 14:16

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