The Center for Sales Strategy covers topics important for B2B sales organizations under the categories of Talent, Sales, Sales Management, Inbound Marketing and Digital Sales.
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To Fill Your Open Sales Talent Positions, Think of Recruiting Like Prospecting

This week, I was reviewing a potential new hire with a client who is really struggling with finding talent to fill several open seats across her sales teams. As we reviewed the candidate, it was clear that the innate talent just wasn’t there for success in the role. Although the company had tried many different things to attract potential employees,...

Thu Sep 19, 2024 17:30
Identifying Prospecting Abilities in Potential Sales Hires

Effective prospecting is the backbone of sales success, yet finding candidates with the right skills can be challenging. Sales professionals need a unique blend of persistence, creativity, and communication to excel in prospecting. Companies can better evaluate these abilities by focusing on key indicators during the hiring process. Here, we'll...

Wed Sep 18, 2024 17:25
How to Stop Your Competitors from Stealing Your Key Accounts

In sales, there are only two kinds of customers: the ones you know other salespeople are trying to steal... and those you don’t know other salespeople are trying to steal! You should treat all accounts as if someone else is trying to win them over and take your lead. So, what are some steps you can take toward Key Account retention?

Tue Sep 17, 2024 17:22
Workplace Engagement Facts That Prove We're in a Motivation Meltdown

The 2024 Talent Magazine dropped a bombshell on the state of workplace engagement, and spoiler alert—it's not pretty. From burned-out bosses to a workforce on the brink of a mass exodus, these numbers are a wake-up call for anyone with a stake in the corporate game.

Mon Sep 16, 2024 17:22
Add THIS to Close More Sales

You're a closer! It's what you do...close deals. You know, that sweet moment when the handshake seals the deal, and you walk away knowing you’ve added another win to the board. But what if I told you that you could boost your closing ratio with just a small tweak to your proposals? It’s not rocket science—just a simple addition that can make...

Thu Sep 12, 2024 20:13
Aligning Individual Development with Overall Sales Strategy

A successful sales organization requires more than just talented individuals. It demands a cohesive team where each member's development aligns with the company's overall sales strategy. This alignment is crucial for driving performance, fostering a positive company culture, and achieving long-term success.

Wed Sep 11, 2024 17:32

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