In Netflix’s new animated series, Jentry Chau vs the Underworld, a Chinese-American girl (played by comedian Ali Wong, who also executive produces the show) must harness the supernatural powers she’s repressed her whole life in order to fight a bunch of demons from the underworld. The first teaser for the show reveals the legion of Chinese...
For the cast of Critical Role, one of the most exciting things about the Legend of Vox Machina animated series is a chance to infuse the story with lore they didn’t have the first time around. Since the original campaign started almost 10 years ago, the world of Exandria has only grown with two more campaigns and the Exandria Unlimited spinoffs. ...
The weekly GTA Online update for October 10, 2024, is live with reward events, discounts, prizes, and a Halloween zombie mode. Our GTA Online weekly update guide will tell you everything happening in Los Santos this week. GTA Online special events Halloween arrives in GTA Online this week with the first ever return to...
The beast known as Prime Day has returned to Valhalla to feast and slumber until next July. However, there are still plenty of deals kicking around. Big savings on the slim PlayStation 5, SteelSeries’ Arctis Nova Pro wireless headset, the 7 Wonders board game, and the 8BitDo Ultimate controller are just some examples of the awesome deals...
When Blizzard Entertainment veterans, including Mike Morhaime, Chris Sigaty, and Alan Dabiri, left the company behind Warcraft and Starcraft to form new studio Dreamhaven in 2020, Morhaime pledged that his new company could “bring people together regardless of backgrounds or boundaries.” Dreamhaven would create new, positive communal experiences,...
Genshin Impact developer Hoyoverse is blaming “recording arrangements” for a lack of English voiceovers in its latest update. The new Genshin Impact update, which was released on Wednesday, adds a new character called Xilonen, alongside a new story and quests. But several characters are unvoiced, making the game quite quiet. Hoyoverse addressed...
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