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15,564 Solar Jobs Added in USA Last Year, Reaching Record 279,447–454,136 Solar Workers

Showing how much the solar industry is both 1) a major source of jobs in the US and 2) a fast growing segment of the economy, the 14th annual National Solar Jobs Census by the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) was just published and includes two big stats: 15,564 solar jobs ... [continued] The post 15,564 Solar Jobs Added in USA Last Year,...

Sat Sep 21, 2024 07:04
EV & CleanTech Round Up — More Battery Recycling, MAN Accelerates Charging, Wind Advances, & Millions for Volvo Renewable Renovation

These days, batteries are frequently recycled and repurposed, and companies that tackle this environmental issue make weekly news. We’ve got more battery recycling news below. MAN will build the biggest public charging network for heavy commercial vehicles in the nation to date, with 400 charging stations across 170 locations spanning ... [continued]...

Sat Sep 21, 2024 06:04
My Take On What’s Going On With Extinction Rebellion

Note that this is a reader’s response to Scott Cooney’s article about Extinction Rebellion, where he postulated the organization could be a front group for fossil industries or at least manipulated by them. This letter to the editor comes to us from David Woodward, and we think it’s absolutely excellent. ... [continued] The post My Take On What’s...

Sat Sep 21, 2024 05:02
Three Mile Island Redux — Nuke Will Be Restarted To Power Microsoft Data Center

The surviving nuclear reactor at Three Mile Island will be restarted to make electricity to power Microsoft data centers. The post Three Mile Island Redux — Nuke Will Be Restarted To Power Microsoft Data Center appeared first on CleanTechnica.

Sat Sep 21, 2024 04:31
I Think This Is What’s Gone On Behind The Scenes At Tesla In Past Year

Some of this article is stuff that’s been widely discussed for months, but I think it goes a little deeper into how I think we got here. Maybe I’m wrong, but after covering Tesla and Elon Musk very closely for 12 years and having my assumptions and analysis affirmed by ... [continued] The post I Think This Is What’s Gone On Behind The Scenes At Tesla...

Sat Sep 21, 2024 02:28
Environmental Groups Urge Microsoft to Skip Gas in Favor of Solar & Wind to Power Data Center

A coalition of environmental and health groups has called on Microsoft to rely on clean energy generation instead of a proposed expansion of methane-fueled power for its planned Racine County data center — projected to become Wisconsin Electric’s “largest electric load.” In an open letter to Microsoft, the groups charge ... [continued] The post Environmental...

Sat Sep 21, 2024 01:57

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