A Peer-Reviewed Open-Access Journal
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Role of Rabenosyn-5 and Rab5b in host cell cytosol uptake reveals conservation of endosomal transport in malaria parasites

by Ricarda Sabitzki, Anna-Lena Roßmann, Marius Schmitt, Sven Flemming, Andrés Guillén-Samander, Hannah Michaela Behrens, Ernst Jonscher, Katharina Höhn, Ulrike Fröhlke, Tobias Spielmann Vesicular trafficking, including secretion and endocytosis, plays fundamental roles in the unique biology of Plasmodium falciparum blood-stage parasites. Endocytosis...

Fri May 31, 2024 23:42
“Not” in the brain and behavior

by Cas W. Coopmans, Anna Mai, Andrea E. Martin Negation is key for cognition but has no physical basis, raising questions about its neural origins. A new study in PLOS Biology on the negation of scalar adjectives shows that negation acts in part by altering the response to the adjective it negates. All languages make use of negation, but the...

Fri May 31, 2024 23:12
Engineering of a compact, high-fidelity EbCas12a variant that can be packaged with its crRNA into an all-in-one AAV vector delivery system

by Hongjian Wang, Jin Zhou, Jun Lei, Guosheng Mo, Yankang Wu, Huan Liu, Ziyan Pang, Mingkun Du, Zihao Zhou, Chonil Paek, Zaiqiao Sun, Yongshun Chen, Yan Wang, Peng Chen, Lei Yin The CRISPR-associated endonuclease Cas12a has become a powerful genome-editing tool in biomedical research due to its ease of use and low off-targeting. However, the size...

Thu May 30, 2024 20:58
Structure and activity of the septal peptidoglycan hydrolysis machinery crucial for bacterial cell division

by Yatian Chen, Jiayue Gu, Biao Yang, Lili Yang, Jie Pang, Qinghua Luo, Yirong Li, Danyang Li, Zixin Deng, Changjiang Dong, Haohao Dong, Zhengyu Zhang The peptidoglycan (PG) layer is a critical component of the bacterial cell wall and serves as an important target for antibiotics in both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. The hydrolysis...

Thu May 30, 2024 20:58
Negation mitigates rather than inverts the neural representations of adjectives

by Arianna Zuanazzi, Pablo Ripollés, Wy Ming Lin, Laura Gwilliams, Jean-Rémi King, David Poeppel Combinatoric linguistic operations underpin human language processes, but how meaning is composed and refined in the mind of the reader is not well understood. We address this puzzle by exploiting the ubiquitous function of negation. We track the online...

Thu May 30, 2024 20:58
Microbe transmission from pet shop to lab-reared zebrafish reveals a pathogenic birnavirus

by Marlen C. Rice, Andrew J. Janik, Nels C. Elde, James A. Gagnon, Keir M. Balla Zebrafish are popular research organisms selected for laboratory use due in part to widespread availability from the pet trade. Many contemporary colonies of laboratory zebrafish are maintained in aquaculture facilities that monitor and aim to curb infections that...

Thu May 30, 2024 20:58

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