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Let It Be Sunday, 468!

Friends, hi I’ve missed you!  I’m treading water in life right now… and I’ll tell you – I’ve never been very good at treading water.  Do you remember the dreaded summer camp swimming tests? Wherein a bunch of children get thrown in a pool or lake to tread water long enough to prove to the adults standing on the outskirts of that body of water that...

Sun Jun 2, 2024 12:00
Let It Be Sunday, 467!

Happy Memorial Day weekend, friends! This weekend, I hope that you’re able to find some time to remember those who served, to consider what you want our nation to look like moving forward and how you can be part of shaping it, and to take a small action towards creating the kind of world you want to live in.  Lately, I feel simultaneously deeply...

Sun May 26, 2024 11:15
Let It Be Sunday, 466!

Hello, friends! How are you holding up … in nature? The cicadas have arrived in Nashville to make everything weird. After hibernating for the past 13 years—plotting—they’re now darting around looking for mates. Their screaming is constant and there are Biblical swarms of them to duck from as you go about your daily tasks, like taking a walk or opening...

Sun May 19, 2024 11:27
Let It Be Sunday, 465!

Let’s chat. Moms, whether you are one, you have one, you want to be one, or you lost one, motherhood is the most complicated relationship in existence. There’s a bond that never goes away, and that instinctive need… don’t you wish it could put it somewhere else sometimes? The love I have for my mother is never ending in depth, sometimes all consuming,...

Sun May 12, 2024 11:31
My Favorite Hummingbird Cake Has A Secret Ingredient

It’s been entirely too long since our last perfect layer cake.  You know, the kind that’s moist, sturdy, sweet and spiced with generous lines of nearly too much cream cheese frosting between cake layers?  Yes, that sort of perfect cake. I had mistakenly thought that a classic carrot cake would scratch any itch I had for a spiced layer cake but, I’m...

Tue May 7, 2024 20:56
Let It Be Sunday, 464!

Friends, HI! Good morning and good Sunday! I’m in the in-between. I’ve moved most everything save for a mattress, two nightstands, my good olive oil, flaky sea salt and a frying pan out of the Houston apartment and on to the big house in Bellville.  Somehow though, the big orange cat and I are still staying at the apartment, languishing a bit, in...

Sun May 5, 2024 12:08

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