The Lancet RSS feed. The Lancet is the world's leading independent general medical journal. The journal's coverage is international in focus and extends to all aspects of human health. The Lancet publishes the original primary research and review art
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[Correspondence] Oral diseases in Palestine

Oral diseases, encompassing conditions such as dental caries and oral cancers, are severely under-addressed globally despite their prevalence and link to chronic illnesses. In 2021, oral diseases in Palestine ranked just behind COVID-19 and upper respiratory infections in terms of morbidity.1 The 2021 Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors...

Wed Jun 26, 2024 01:36
[Series] Call to action for a life course approach

Gestational diabetes remains the most common medical disorder in pregnancy, with short-term and long-term consequences for mothers and offspring. New insights into pathophysiology and management suggest that the current gestational diabetes treatment approach should expand from a focus on late gestational diabetes to a personalised, integrated life...

Fri Jun 21, 2024 02:18
[Seminar] Colorectal cancer

Despite decreased incidence rates in average-age onset patients in high-income economies, colorectal cancer is the third most diagnosed cancer in the world, with increasing rates in emerging economies. Furthermore, early onset colorectal cancer (age ≤50 years) is of increasing concern globally. Over the past decade, research advances have increased...

Fri Jun 21, 2024 02:18
[Series] Pathophysiology from preconception, during pregnancy, and beyond

Gestational diabetes is the most common medical complication in pregnancy. Historically, gestational diabetes was considered a pregnancy complication involving treatment of rising glycaemia late in the second trimester. However, recent evidence challenges this view. Pre-pregnancy and pregnancy-specific factors influence gestational glycaemia, with open...

Fri Jun 21, 2024 02:18
[Editorial] Non-communicable diseases in reproductive care

A new Series on gestational diabetes published in The Lancet calls for a greater focus on early gestational diabetes and a shift to a holistic life-course approach in how we manage the disease. It offers a comprehensive and inclusive analysis of the evidence on pathophysiology, screening, management, and prevention. The Series also explores new models...

Fri Jun 21, 2024 02:18
[Series] Epidemiology and management of gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes is defined as hyperglycaemia first detected during pregnancy at glucose concentrations that are less than those of overt diabetes. Around 14% of pregnancies globally are affected by gestational diabetes; its prevalence varies with differences in risk factors and approaches to screening and diagnosis; and it is increasing in parallel...

Fri Jun 21, 2024 02:18

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