Climate science from climate scientists...
943 followers 1 articolo a settimana
Phantastic Job!

A truly impressive paper was published this week with a new reconstruction of global temperatures over the last ~500 million years. There is something tremendously satisfying about seeing a project start, and then many years later see the results actually emerge and done better than you could have imagined. Especially one as challenging...

Fri Sep 20, 2024 07:48
Unforced Variations: Sep 2024

This month’s open thread on climate topics. Try to be constructive! The post Unforced Variations: Sep 2024 first appeared on RealClimate.

Sun Sep 1, 2024 19:53
Oh My, Oh Miocene!

A recent paper suggested that ‘climate sensitivity’ derived from a new paleo-CO2 record is around 7.2ºC (for equilibrium climate sensitivity ECS) and ~13.9ºC (Earth System Sensitivity – ESS) for a doubling of CO2. Some press has suggested that this means that “Earth’s Temperature Could Increase by 25 Degrees” (F). Huge if true! Fortunately these...

Wed Aug 28, 2024 23:07
The need for pluralism in climate modelling

How should we allocate resources for climate modelling if the goal is to improve climate-related decisions? Higher resolution, machine learning and/or storylines? A call for a deeper discussion on how we should develop the climate modelling toolbox. Guest post by Marina Baldissera Pacchetti, Julie Jebeile and Erica Thompson ...

Sat Aug 24, 2024 18:36
Unforced variations: Aug 2024

This month’s open thread on climate topics. The post Unforced variations: Aug 2024 first appeared on RealClimate.

Thu Aug 1, 2024 15:38
Unforced variations: July 2024

This month’s open thread on climate science topics. The post Unforced variations: July 2024 first appeared on RealClimate.

Mon Jul 1, 2024 03:35

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