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84 followers 4 articoli a settimana
Build Your Dream Week Summit, SaneBlackHole for Email, and More

Here are the things we published this week and last. You can also stay up-to-date by following us on Twitter and RSS. Also, we have a weekly email newsletter that sums up all the new and cool things published to the site. If you like to stay up-to-date via email, then you should sign up here. The First Ever “Build Your Dream Week” Summit » This...

Fri May 31, 2024 17:12
SaneBox’s Blackhole Feature Can Be Your New Email Gatekeeper

I’ve been around the bend and back with different email apps and services over the last few years. HEY kicked off the experimentation and introduced the Screener (a feature for filtering out email you don’t want in your inbox), large file sharing, separate silos for receipts and newsletters, and more. Other email apps jumped on board with some of these...

Thu May 30, 2024 17:24
[Now Open] The 1st Ever “Build Your Dream Week” Summit

Let’s get right into it. Today, we’re officially opening enrollment for the Build Your Dream Week Summit! Click here to save your spot and get all the details now. <<< The Build Your Dream Week Summit is a live, online workshop where you will create a personalized system for spending more time in the areas of life that are most important...

Tue May 28, 2024 21:41
Chloe’s Digital + Analog Setup

Productivity systems are, and should be, unique to each person’s preference. I am not a fan of the “just try this one thing and it will revolutionize the way you do everything” faux-ductivity Twitter advice stuff. There is no productivity silver bullet. If you want to be truly productive, you need to know yourself and how you work best. I want to...

Mon May 27, 2024 18:26
Customizing Notion, Email Folder Structures, and More

Here are the things we published this week and last. You can also stay up-to-date by following us on Twitter and RSS. Also, we have a weekly email newsletter that sums up all the new and cool things published to the site. If you like to stay up-to-date via email, then you should sign up here. How to Add Custom Icons and Cover Images to Notion » ...

Fri May 24, 2024 17:39
The Ideal Email Folder Structure

Having a super-detailed email folder structure used to be a big thing. But over the years, it seems like it has calmed down a bit. Some of you may have been taught that you should keep all your messages in individual, organized, folders. Such as storing all correspondence from your accountant in a specific folder, and all communication on a certain...

Mon May 20, 2024 18:58

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