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The Magical Black Box

Google's mission statement is "organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful." That mission is so profound & so important the associated court documents in their antitrust cases must be withheld from public consumption. Hey. The full exhibit list just posted in DC federal court for USA vs Google. J/k, they literally...

Sun Sep 24, 2023 10:53
AI-Driven Search

I just dusted off the login here to realize I hadn't posted in about a half-year & figured it was time to write another one. ;) Yandex Source Code Leak Some of Yandex's old source code was leaked, and few cared about the ranking factors shared in the leak. Mike King made a series of Tweets on the leak. I'm gonna take a break, but I've seen a...

Mon Feb 20, 2023 03:41
New Google Ad Labeling

TechCrunch recently highlighted how Google is changing their ad labeling on mobile devices. A few big changes include: ad label removed from individual ad units where the unit-level label was instead becomes a favicon a "Sponsored" label above ads the URL will show right of the favicon & now the site title will be in a slightly larger font...

Sun Oct 16, 2022 04:19
Google Helpful Content Update

Granular Panda Reading the tea leaves on the pre-announced Google "helpful content" update rolling out next week & over the next couple weeks in the English language, it sounds like a second and perhaps more granular version of Panda which can take in additional signals, including how unique the page level content is & the language structure...

Fri Aug 19, 2022 12:12
Automating Ourselves Out of Existence

Time has grown more scarce after having a child, so I rarely blog anymore. Though I thought it probably made sense to make at least a quarterly(ish) post so people know I still exist. One of the big things I have been noticing over the past year or so is an increasing level of automation in ways that are not particularly brilliant. :D Just from this...

Mon May 23, 2022 18:35
Engineering Search Outcomes

Kent Walker promotes public policies which advantage the Google monopoly. His role doing that means he has to write some really bad hot takes that lack context or intentionally & dishonestly redirect attention away from core issues - that's his job. With that in mind, his most recent blog post defending the Google monopoly was exceptional. Force...

Wed Jan 19, 2022 22:16

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