Android and Windows Mobile Smartphone Developers Community
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Top 5 weekly: open-source health trackers, 3D photo cameras, and more

This week was a nice cool-off from the wave of Microsoft and Google news that hit over the last two weeks, but that doesn't mean nothing cool happened. This week saw a ton of awesome homemade projects, plus some announcements from the bigger companies. If you didn't have the time to check out the news this week, here's a quick rundown of...

Sun Jun 2, 2024 05:03
Best microSD cards for Orange Pi

If you've got your eye on a fun SBC project, you'll need a solid computer, and Orange Pi is one of the many Raspberry Pi alternatives out there. However, you'll still want a microSD card, and while you could look at the best Raspberry Pi microSD cards, we've found the best cards for the Orange Pi.

Sun Jun 2, 2024 04:04
Use Linux? Kaspersky says it's time for you to get an antivirus, preferably its own

Do you think Linux machines require an antivirus scan? While some would argue that the operating system doesn't have enough viruses to justify one, Kaspersky seems to think differently. The company has made a blog post stating that it believes that Linux users should scan their PCs every so often - and while you're at it, why not try this...

Sun Jun 2, 2024 04:04
How to check and fix stubborn graphics card fans before things spin out of control

Of all the components inside your PC, the graphics card is the one that works the hardest yet offers the least trouble. You'll rarely encounter an issue with the GPU and if you do it's likely related to the driver and not the device itself. There are instances where the GPU fails, however, and one could be the cooling solution attached to...

Sun Jun 2, 2024 03:04
How to enable SSH on Ubuntu

Secure Shell (SSH) is a popular network protocol used to remotely log in and share file transfers between your computer (the client) and the service (the server). It works across different operating systems, which means it also will work on Ubuntu Linux. So if you have a great desktop running Ubuntu, or a great Linux laptop and want to use...

Sun Jun 2, 2024 03:04
You can boost your router's signal with tinfoil, here's how

If you're struggling to improve your router's signal, a little-known trick you can pull off is one that just requires some tinfoil. If your router is in a place where the back of it is facing away from the rest of your home, you can place tinfoil behind it to bounce the signal forward in the direction of where your devices actually will...

Sun Jun 2, 2024 02:04

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