Curious Perversions in Information Technology
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Error'd: Operation Erred Successfully

"Clouds obscure the result," reports Mike T.'s eight-ball. "It's a shame when the cloud and the browser disagree," he observed.   "Ivent is being really damn buggy" muttered Vitr S. "Looks like the testing team is going to have to become Undefined Undefined in their employment records."   "What's a numeric character?" wonders...

Fri Sep 27, 2024 15:17
CodeSOD: True Parseimony

We've seen this pattern many times here: return (someCondition) ? true : false; or if (someCondition) { return true; } else { return false; } There are many variations on it, all of which highlight someone's misunderstanding of boolean expressions. Today Kerry sends us a "fun" little twist, in C#. return (someCondition || someOtherCondition)...

Thu Sep 26, 2024 14:21
Space for Queries

Maria was hired as a consultant by a large financial institution. The institution had a large pile of ETL scripts, reports, analytics dashboards, and the like, which needed to be supported. The challenge is that everyone who wasn't a developer had built the system. Due to the vagaries of internal billing, hiring IT staff to do the work would have put...

Wed Sep 25, 2024 14:16
CodeSOD: Secure Cryptography

Governments have a difficult relationship with cryptography. Certainly, they benefit from having secure, reliable and fast encryption. Arguably, their citizens also benefit- I would argue that being able to, say, handle online banking transactions securely is a net positive. But it creates a prisoner's dilemma: malicious individuals may conceal their...

Tue Sep 24, 2024 14:24
CodeSOD: Cleaning House

Craig had been an IT manager at an immigration services company for several years, but was ready to move on. And for good reason- Craig had suffered his share of moronic helldesk nonsense and was ready to let someone else deal with it. This meant participating in interviews for his replacement. Craig had given a rather generous three months notice,...

Mon Sep 23, 2024 15:14
Error'd: A Dark Turn

You may call it equity, or equinox or whatever woke term you like but you can't sugarcoat what those of us in the North know: the Southern Hemisphere is stealing the very essence of our dwindling days. Sucking out the insolation like a milkshake and slurping it all across the equator. Rage, rage against the dying of the light! Meanwhile....

Fri Sep 20, 2024 14:23

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